Race sherpa® Professional Motorsport VIP Race-Host Services

NOT your typical tour guides

Well ... just who are these Race sherpas ?
  1. These are people who have lived racing their whole life.

    Who are you ? Who Who - They are well respected in the Racing Community and LOVE to share their passion for the wonderful world of Motorsport with others.

  2. Race sherpas are professional - knowledgeable - courteous - and posses a great deal of patience and are fun to be around.
  3. They are also chomping at the bit waiting to share their enthusiasm for their "Sport of Choice"

    As Jackie Stewart used to say "It's a great day for Motorsports"
    It truly is - when you enlist the Professional Motorsport V.I.P. Race-Host Services of a Race sherpa.

  4. Their Motorsport backgrounds and personalities are varied - but all Race sherpas share a commitment to Motorsport.
  5. They know it isn't about them - but realize their efforts are an integral part of a successful Marketing / Business promotion.

    They are also aware of their responsibility in this role and the often confidential nature required of them.

  6. What about potential conflicts of interest ? - Especially if they are still active in the Motorsport Community ?
  7. These Race sherpas are the "Best-of-the-Best".

    They are selected by Derek Ross, the founder of RaceDrive Interactive Inc. from his interaction with these key individuals over his fourty plus years of Motorsport experience.

    Confidentiality agreements are not a problem.

  8. Need a Race sherpa that can really speak to a large crowd ? - or speak a foreign language ? - or are concerned about an event in a foreign country and cultural differences ?
  9. We will make sure that you are matched with a fantastic Race sherpa for your needs. Presenting in front of a large crowd while properly representing your organization is second nature to a Race sherpa.

    Currently we have Race sherpas who are fluent in French, Spanish and Portuguese and have matching cultural backgrounds.

    Call Now for more information:
    Contact Derek Ross:
    Direct at (818) 430- RACE
    or e-mail:

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